An unbeaten Indorama CC took on a struggling Menara CC in the first of the two T20 games on Sunday. After having been put in to bat, Vinod Verghese got Indorama off to a quick start, but Amit Bhat in partnership with the keeper, Faheem Butt, struck back with 4 quick wickets and Menara looked in control with Indorama at 48 for 4. Kaushik Vishvanath, however, came to Indoramaâs rescue as he counter-attacked for a quick, unbeaten fifty and ensured his side got to 124 runs in their 20 overs.
In reply, the Menara CC batsmen, didnât give away their wickets, but were not able to score quickly enough as the Indorama bowlers led by Mukesh Tailor & R. Srikkanth bowled cleverly. This meant that despite having four wickets in hand, Menara could only manage 112 runs in their 20 overs, falling short by 14 runs in the end.