In the other Cup finals, an undefeated WPP India XI took on Emerio Dragons. The Emerio batsmen started well with Faisal Hashmi anchoring one end. The introduction of Maneesh Tripathi put the brakes on the scoring and a fine spell by Ajay Kurtkoti from the other end, led to more wickets falling and the Dragons could muster only 57 runs from the last 10 overs. Their score of 127 was not going to be enough given the strong WPP batting and when Dwaraknath Naidu started timing the ball well, the writing was on the wall. Gaurav Pathak & Rahul Pagad went after the bowling with gay abandon and took their side home with more than 6 overs to spare and 9 wickets still intact.
Thanks to Faheem & Suresh for umpiring the game